Daytime sleep is closely related to the risk of death

People of middle age and the elderly, who sleep during the day, may be more at risk of the disease, as the new study of scientists from England says. The study found that the probability of death of people between 40 and 79 years of age who slept during the day was 14% higher than those who did not doze off during the day. Longer sleep was associated with a higher risk: during the study period, the probability of death, equal to 32%, was observed in people who slept for an hour or more during the day.
The results remained the same even after factors that influenced human health, such as age, body mass index (BMI), smoking, sports, were taken into account, and whether people were predisposed to any diseases diabetes, cancer or asthma).

In particular, sleep, as it turned out, is associated with an increased risk of respiratory system diseases. And the connection between sleep and the risk of death was the strongest in younger people (40 to 65 years): the level of danger was twice as high if they slept more than one hour, compared to those who did not sleep.

However, the reason for such a connection is still unknown. As the scientists say, perhaps not a dream in itself increased the risks, but people who are drawn to take a nap during the day, there are some unrecognized pathologies that affect the risk of death.

"It is necessary to conduct more tests before recommending something," researchers at the University of Cambridge (UK) write in the May issue of the American Journal of Epidemiology. "Excessive daytime sleep can be a useful signal about existing health problems, primarily with regard to the respiratory system, and in particular in people who are 65 or less years old."

The study involved more than 16,000 people in England (where daytime sleep is not accepted). They answered questions about their daily routine in 1998-2000, and then for 13 years they were observed by scientists.

Temporary stopping of breathing during sleep can lead to a person feeling sleepy throughout the day, this is also associated with an increased risk of death in the above period. In the new study, however, people with this problem were not directly considered, but, according to scientists, people who had a high body mass index and who took high-pressure medications, most likely had pauses in breathing during sleep.

As the scientists say, in new studies, it is better to study the temporary stopping of breathing, and also to find out whether daytime sleep is associated with physiological changes that may be harmful.
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